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What is it and how does it work?



Here's what to do. Send me an email letting me know that you are interested in setting up a time we can talk on the phone, meet in person, text, or whatever is most convenient/comfortable for you! As mentioned before, it'll only take 30-45 minutes so we both have opportunity to understand what your needs are, what help I can provide for you, and the first steps in taking action are to achieve your health and fitness goals. Click the button below and let's get you started! 


A consultation is typically valued at $45 or more with any personal trainer or dietitian you meet but with me, it will come completely free to get you started on a 30-day fitness plan specific to you and your needs! 

After understanding your goals and needs and listening to any questions you may have, you will receive your free 30-day plan you can take back with you! This is just the first step of many to help you feel confident in your initial steps in becoming the best possible version of yourself! 

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