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What I can do for you

Options for your best health


Free Consultation

Let's sit down or talk on the phone for 30-45 minutes to understand what your health needs are, any restrictions you may have, organizing a workout plan for you for the next month, and the best approach to make your fitness goals and aspirations to not only become a reality but a lifestyle that you'll be able to inspire your friends and family with. Let's get started.

1-on-1 Personal Training

I offer a one and up to five times per week one-on-one personal training. After your free consultation we can figure out a good time and place to train according to your schedule and your location. My goal is to help you feel empowered and become the best possible version of yourself through a lifestyle of fitness. Let's do this.

Online Training

Does scheduling time one-on-one with a personal trainer seem intimidating, would you rather workout on your own, and/or would you prefer a cheaper option to personal training? Online training may be the best option for you! We will still keep in contact through phone and email but you will be given workout programs specific to you week by week.

Weight training will provide you with a stronger muscular and skeletal system allowing you to move freely, become more independent, increase your basal metabolic rate, and so much more!


Weight training may work on the muscles everyone sees but cardio works on the most important muscle that nobody sees; your heart. While strength training will work directly for your legs, arms, etc. endurance training will be working directly with the strength and endurance of your heart. Cardiovascular training will decrease your blood pressure, allow you to breath easier, and more! Depending on what type of endurance training you participate in will depend on what other positive effects you will receive through the exercise.

This type of training pushes you to your limits with some short intermittent breaks. This is a great cardiovascular and muscle endurance workout. This type of workout will use a lot of calisthenics, or body weight exercises, and lighter weights that you could use for multiple reps at a time. If you only have a short break in your day but are looking to get the same amount of work someone else does the hour they spend at the gym then this may be the route you're looking for. This can be as short as 15 minutes and as long as 30 minutes.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has issued exercise/fitness guidelines that suggest in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. BUT... with High Intensity exercise they suggest you only require half of that amount. Which means you would only need to work for half of the time as someone else in the week. Work just a bit harder, save time, and feel amazing!


The best training, for the best results

Weight Trainer

Weight Training

Did you know through weight training you burn calories days after you finish your workout? Did you know through this type of training you can protect yourself from future injuries also? Weight training has so many more benefits then just looking good in the mirror or trying to impress that significant other.



Endurance Training

Let's go for a run! Isn't that what cardio is? Yes and no. Running can help increase your cardiovascular health but it is one of many ways to go about doing so. Although running is an effective way to increase your endurance there is an ample amount of other ways to approach increasing your cardiovascular health that doesn't require running. Let's find something that fits you best and lets you have fun doing it!

CrossFit Jumps
Spinning Class




Everything you want to know

Barbell and Kettlebell Weights

How are you different from a regular trainer at a gym?

Through my variety of fitness experiences, attaining my Master's Degree in Excercise & Sports Science, Bachelors in Kinesiology, and a variety of other certifications I've learned the best approaches to help me help you! Here are a few things to consider: One, fitness & wellness is so much more than a proper diet and exercise. How's your sleep? What about your stress levels? Hydration? There is much more to it than a master exercise program for you. Secondly, just because one fitness program or diet has worked for one person doesn't mean it'll work for you. Are you the same age as the person you're comparing to? Have you been working out as long as them? Do you have the same medical history? Do your hormones react the same way at theirs? Thirdly, have fun. If we don't help each other enjoy the process then it won't become a lifestyle and it'll only be a temporary change. Anyone can workout successfully workout for a week. But can you workout for a week and look forward to the next? Would you want to do this on your own when you're not with a personal trainer?

I'd like to pride myself in being a calculated trainer that will provide baseline measurements to help you see your progress, address other factors in your health such as sleep and stress, research any injuries I may not understand about you, and change my programming to fit your specific needs. All of which are to help you make this into a exciting lifestyle of workouts, progressing towards your goals, building your confidence, having lots of laughs, learning, and leaving with a sense of empowerment.

Do you charge extra for nutritional guidance and a diet plan?

No. I am not a registered dietitian and am not legally allowed to provide clients with a diet plan. I do believe in what you eat and drink is just as important as the exercise regiment you follow though. I can help provide you with awareness to the red flags in your diet, find possible solutions to these red flags, and build on making positive eating choices during our time together. I do have a minor in Nutrition and have studied the topic thoroughly and can help guide you in the right direction. Ultimately, these choices will be yours and I won't be able to tell you how much of what foods you are suppose to eat and when you should be eating them. I can always refer you to a friend that is a certified dietitian if that is something you'd like though!

What types of home fitness equipment do you recommend?

Whatever you have is what I recommend. I'm nationally certified in functional movement systems, kettlebell movements, barbell exercises, and body weight workouts. So if that means you have your own home gym to workout, great! If that means you come to my home gym, great! If that means you have absolutely no workout equipment, great! A quality workout can be done with a lot of weight equipment and/or no weights at all. I can cater to any fitness level, age, disability, and so on. If you're willing to try then we can make it work!

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